The Animateur program has undergone changes since it began in 2010 as part of Culture Days. From 2010 to 2012, the program ran as part of Culture Days, where artist were hired to work with communities leading up to Culture Days. These artists connected with communities and helped them engage in cultural activity that would inspire their residents. In 2014, the program expanded to a broader community engagement model and became known as the Community Engagement Animateur (CEA) program, where cultural workers or artists were hired for contract terms to connect with groups throughout the province to help build cultural engagement in communities, explore communities’ cultural potential and be a liaison between communities and SaskCulture. This program was put on hiatus for one year.
In 2017, SaskCulture returned to a scaled-down version of the original Culture Days Animateur program. SaskCulture worked with Districts to identify communities that have never held Culture Days before and would welcome an Animateur as part of a first-time Culture Days experience. Stay tuned for more information about the Culture Days Animateurs and the new communities…along with updates, videos, blogs, podcasts, photos and news about Culture Days in Saskatchewan!