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Students from across Saskatchewan were drawing to the beat thanks to a Culture Days and LIVE Arts partnership.

By: Shaunna Grandish

Artist and illustrator Allan Dotson worked with grades one to eight students at Caswell School in Saskatoon on September 27 and 28, 2018 as part of the 2018 Culture Days weekend. His workshops were simultaneously broadcast, thanks to LIVE Arts, across the province to over 120 schools, with over 2,700 students registered to view and participate in learning how to draw a detailed scene of a dancing humanoid character.

The students began the session by sketching simple drawing of musical instruments. They then listed to four different music samples and were encouraged to move their own bodies to the rhythm. After listening to each song, the children drew a stick person whose pose and lines best responded to the music. The students afterwards chose one of the stick figures to finish as a detailed drawing. Read more….