Meetings & Gatherings

Bonnie Mills-Midgely, Community Development Coordinator for the Rivers West DSCR, has invited me to a few of their meetings, and I must say these gatherings have been invaluable.

The first meeting was in North Battleford, on April 22. My contemporary, Kevin Power, was also in attendance.

The meeting was informal. We went around the room and introduced ourselves and spoke of what we hoped to garnish from the gathering. Both Kevin and I not only introduced SK Culture Days to the group, but we also got to speak about our own repertoire of capabilities, our hopes for Culture Days, and offered our services to those who were interested.

Again, this kind of networking is invaluable. Many at the meeting were unaware of the role that Animateurs play in SK Culture Days, and were happy and interested to hear of how we can facilitate the celebration of their communities. Some, surprisingly, did not know about Culture Days at all. While others were eager to provide their business card and book us for an event.

After attending a few of these meetings, I definitely suggest further attendance for future Animateurs. They are a great way to advertise, network, and ‘get things on the go!’photo-7